Introducing NapTab

The nap you need, the energy you deserve

After a nap, the feeling of being tired can sometimes defy logic. One would think that a short snooze would rejuvenate, not exhaust. Yet, the grogginess that often follows a nap can leave one feeling disoriented and sluggish. The temptation to remain cocooned in the warmth of the nap's aftermath is strong, but the demands of the waking world pull insistently. Feeling sleepy can pose serious risks for individuals in demanding professions. In roles where split-second decisions and precision are vital, the effects of drowsiness can be detrimental.

From dream to reality

Introducing NapTab, the innovative delayed energy release pill designed for those seeking a seamless transition post-nap. The pill is designed in such a way that energy is released after waking up from a fruitful nap. Say goodbye to grogginess and embrace a refreshed awakening with NapTab. Our specialized formula targets sleep inertia, ensuring you wake up revitalized and ready to conquer the day. Experience the difference with NapTab - the perfect solution for a quick and effective energy boost without the after-nap slump.

Ready whenever you are

Discover NapTab's full assortment- a formula tailored to suit various sleep schedules! Our new energy pill is available in 3-hour, 4.5-hour, and 6-hour variants, ensuring that there is a perfect option for every sleep window. Whether you're preparing for an all-nighter or need a quick boost gearing up for the day ahead, NapTab has you covered. Stay energized and alert whenever you need it with NapTab's versatile formula!

Meet the Team

  • Sam Lander Capocyan


    A MSc Biomedical Engineer who wants to develop innovative solutions for analyzing data related to sleep patterns and cognitive function.

  • Alec Wrana

    Founder & Product Designer

    A Chemical and Biomolecular Engineer with a background in computational medicine. Tired of waking up tired he founded NapTab as a solution to mitigate the immediate consequences of sleep deprivation.

  • Nathan Van Damme


    A versatile graduating Mechanical Engineering student currently holding 3 MSc Degrees. Driven by a passion for human well-being he joined NapTab to help out sleepdeprived people in demanding situations.